Dr Mohamed Abu Al Nagah Clinic

Bariatric Surgeries are for your benefits

استشاري جراحات السمنة

Perform Bariatric Surgeries for your own benefits and not for someone else!
It is a sentence that we need to understand and consider because the psychological state of any person, going through circumstances different from the usual, may cause depression and isolate him from society due to rejection and bullying, especially if he suffers from obesity.

Therefore, many women and men resort to bariatric surgeries to get rid of excess weight and obesity, increase their self-confidence, and feel accepted towards society, just because the external appearance has become better from the point of view of other people!

We do not deny that losing weight improves the psychological state as the patient feels successful upon achieving something that seemed difficult to him at a certain period in his life. Of course, the improvement of the person's health condition is much more important than the external appearance.

What happens to a person after bariatric surgeries?
1- Resolved Hypercholesterolemia.
2- Resolved hypertension.
3- Elimination of type 2 diabetes.
4- Get rid of digestive diseases such as irritable bowel, GERD, stomach ulcers, and constipation.
5- Get rid of joint pain and inflammation.
6- Get rid of breathing problems, especially during sleep.
7- Get rid of heart disease.

All these confirm that getting rid of obesity through surgeries is very important to get the patient out of many health problems and live life naturally, full of vitality and activity.

Are there other causes of obesity besides eating in large quantities?
Yes, there are other causes because there are people who eat reasonable quantities and gain weight quickly. Some tests, such as thyroid and vitamin D analysis, are required, as many studies have proven that their reduced blood percentage than the normal rate reduces the percentage of burning fat in the body, even if the person is committed and does not binge eating fast food or sugary desserts in large quantities.

Studies have also proven that bariatric surgeries improve the functions of the thyroid gland, besides the administration of the appropriate thyroid medications and vitamin D supplements,  increase body fat burning, so the person achieves weight loss in a record time.

Therefore, beware of making fun of an obese person because it may be due to pathological reasons. In all cases, bullying is unacceptable!

Another warning!
Do not bully a person who suffers from obesity and anemia at the same time!
Anemia is not only related to extremely skinny people. Also, the obese person may suffer from anemia due to his dependence on unhealthy foods such as fast food that lack nutritional benefits. So the patient feels weak and inactive and suffers from other obesity complications.

A message to every obese person:
Resort to bariatric surgeries, with Dr. Mohamed Abo El Naga, for yourself to maintain your health, enjoy your youth, and achieve all your dreams. Keep in mind that you are acceptable, but at the same time, you must protect yourself from the complications of obesity.